Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My personal Top ONE HUNDRED (that's 100!) Anime Openings of all time (60-41)

This list is part 3 out of 5 in an ongoing project. Check the previous two out onegaishiplease.
Part 1
Part 2

Gonna start off here with a quick little warning, kids. Always back up your important files. I damn near thought I'd lost the Excel file where I keep this entire list after reformatting a drive, but I had it backed up in the great and almighty cloud all along. Blessings upon the almighty cloud, the saviour of man.

Ok, enough of that. I'm here to list off anime openings in an only slightly improvised order, and the faster I get to that, the faster we can all go back to doing other things.

Quick recap. I only feature shows I've seen in some fashion - including dropped ones - with only one or two exceptions from shows I plan to see soon. Also, I'm biased to hell and back, so if anything seems dumb it's probably because I'm dumb.

So anyway, here's GATE.

#60 - GATE - GATE II: Sekai wo Koete
Yeah, I put fucking GATE in the top 60. What're you gonna do about it? Cry?! Okay you can cry, I don't judge.

Okay, I gotta be real with you here. This entry might as well be any OP theme done by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets, cause they all sound like the same damn song anyway. Despite that, it's still a very cool song that deserves praise where it's due.

Visually, my only complaint is that I don't really like the grainy filter that's on for most of the OP. I feel it just sucks away color and detail for no apparent reason. Otherwise it's perfectly fine. There's loads of action and fast paced cuts that go well with the music, and sells the show's setup to the viewer perfectly well.

#59 - Haifuri - High Free Spirits
Oh, those cute girls. What cute things are they gonna do next, I wonder.

Naval combat. Fucking naval combat.

And no, this isn't your weak-ass anthropomorphized boat girl bullshit. This is girls, in the boats. The holy middle ground between KanColle and Girls und Panzer, if you will.

Okay, onto the opening itself. It's a CGDCT show, so it needs a sweet ensemble song. And that's what it's got. Animation? Looks good. Nothing to write home about, but the boats look neat and the action has visual impact in spades.

But the secret sauce here is the storyboard. The combat encounter in the second half shows us everything. Everything from spotting the enemy ship, getting coordinates and aiming the cannons properly, loading the ammunition and confirming everything is ready to fire before the captain gives the order to shoot. These details tie nicely to the show itself, where the main cast is pretty much the entire crew of the ship, each with their own duties and tasks.

Sadly, this surprisingly good series ended up buried under the mountain of quality that was the rest of the Spring 2016 season, and it flew way under the radar for many. I was surprised, then, to learn that a sequel movie released just four months ago in Japan. Good things come to those who wait, I suppose.

#58 - Natsume Yuujinchou - Ima, Kono toki
Here's a mostly personal pick from me. Natsume Yuujinchou was actually the first categorically iyashikei anime I watched. For those unaware, Iyashikei genreally refers to calming or soothing anime series with a focus on happy or stress-free situations. The term gained much more widespread use after 2018's Yuru Camp, featured earlier on this list at #61.

Natsume Yuujinchou however, does not shy away from stressful, melancholic, or depressing circumstances, but is rather about dealing with those and moving on to successfully create a better future. And among the series' six openings, I feel this one - belonging to the fourth season - captures that feeling best among them.

Okay, small confession. I haven't actually seen the sixth season yet, so pls no judge me if that one's OP is miles ahead of this one in quality.

#57 - World Trigger - Ashita no Hikari
Say what you woll about World Trigger. I won't argue. It certainly did have a list of issues.

Its openings, however, are not on that list. In fact, consider this entry a double. For both the series' first opening and this one. In fact, here's the link to that one too: My list, my rules.

OP2 is the one I chose here for its much slicker and fluid action animation and distinct color coding for the different groups, but OP1 has the edge in the music department.

Sooo, anyone else besides me really hyped for season 2? No releae date yet, but hopefully there'll be news soon.

#56 - Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu - Let Me Hear
This slaps.

As divisive as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas tracks use to be, you gotta admit this one hits it out of the park. It's perfect for an action-thriller like Kiseijuu, and the imagery only helps it along with the series' deliciously disturbing body horror.

Oh, and those drums at the start. Sick shit. And who can forget halfway through the OP when the vocalist just goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Fucking great.

#55 - Nichijou - Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi - C
You know what? Consider this another double entry. Choosing between Nichijou's openings is straight up impossible. Here's OP2 so you can see for yourself:

Few things are like this show. Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh may scratch the same itch, but no others do Nichijou better than Nichijou. And both openings done by Hyadain captures the distinctive feeling of one of anime's best comedies exceptionally well.

#54 - Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 - Uchuu Senkan Yamato
Not content with simply bettering literally every aspect of the original show, this remake had the fucking balls to go ahead and utterly invalidate the original OP as well.

By faithfully recreating and modernizing the show with extreme respect for the original's script, Yamato 2199 might just be one of the best remakes of any media out there. And nowhere does it show better than in its OP. By and large, it's pretty much the same opening as the original show, just more of it. More cuts, scenes, characters, frames per second, audio tracks. It's a modern classic in every sense of the term.

#53 - Hibike! Euphonium 2 - Soundscape

This opening is almost entirely black & white for its first half.

But that should be obvious, assuming you have functioning eyeballs. But that just goes to show how confident the animators were with their product. Hell, in addition to the lack of color, there's also a distinct lack of stuff going on. Like at all. The cast just sit around, playing their instruments, and each shot lingers on one person for quite a while before repeating it with another character in a different classroom.

And it's not boring to watch. That's the kicker. There's enough little things going on, from the slight shaking of the camera to the wind interacting with stuff like someone's hair or the music manuscript. And these shots are meticulously detailed, too!

And all this for just the first half. When the song ramps up and the colors come in, there's even more cuts and shots and aaaaahhhhh. It's good. Really good.

#52 - Flip Flappers - Serendipity
Now this? This, right here? It's a right slip slapper is what it is!

I'm honestly baffled I've ended up putting it this low on the list, considering it has everything. I mean look at this! If schmovement was a real word, you'd be damn sure this opening would be featured next to it in the dictionary.
And the music, too! ZAQ rarely ever miss, even if a lot of their songs share the same "style", so to speak.

The OPs are getting reeeeaal good now that I'm near the halfway point. Keep them bangers coming, I say!

#51 - Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou - träumerei
If we're doing direct comparisons, I'd put this one up against the previous entry. As where Flip Flappers' OP peaks much harder in the animation department, I'd say this one is much more consistent throughout. I also prefer the music here, and the artstyle is fresher.

Quality of the show itself is another story. This is a relatively forgotten Magical Girl deconstruction series from the mid 10's that kinda flopped a bit. Justifiably so, in my opinion. I'm currently watching the series, and I find it only so-so, but the opening makes it a lot easier of a watch.

#50 - Amanchu! - Million Clouds
The big number 50 is here! And I had to celebrate with one of my absolute favorites!

If I'm gonna be maximum biased, this would be like top 10 easy. But I yet have a shred of critical thinking in me, and unfortunately, this has to get shafted a fair bit.

But damn, check it out. Those first few seconds delivers the textbook feeling of pure serenity. And it only builds on that foundation, becoming a really nice tune by the end filled with nice imagery of the main character finding friendship through diving. Pure and sweet.

Ultimately, the OP makes the show seem way more laid-back than it actually is, being heavier on the comedy once you get into it, but it's still quality iyashikei all the same.

#49 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Sorairo Days
Yeeeeah, we're bringng out the artillery. Quite literally, judging by that gif.

This one shouldn't need an introduction. It's a staple AniSong that's endured through some time by now. Heck, looking at this, I'm baffled this came out in 2007. That's a long time ago by now.

The song, Sorairo Days, should be recognizable to weebs far and wide, and everyone should be shouting GIGA DRILL BREAK at the top of their lungs together with me right now!


#48 - Sasami-san@Ganbaranai - Alteration
Four entries ago, I mentioned that ZAQ rarely ever goes wrong. That still holds true here, with another banger for another OP.

This show was weird. Everything turns to chocolate in the first episode or something, and I think one of the characters had titty rockets?

Anyway, watch it. The OP is really cool, and the show is really cool, and the characters are really cool, and the music is re-

#47 - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (2009) - Super Driver
Yoooo, it's Bunny Girl Senpai for boomers!

Jokes aside, Haruhi is one of the first anime I watched, way back in twothousandwhenever. It was an experience unlike any other, and seeing Mikuru in the magical girl maid costume in the first (broadcast order) episode is probably somewhat to blame for me turning out the way I have today.

That being said, Super Driver here is the opening for the show's second season, and it's great! Just look at it! It bombards you with the stuff everyone loves; words! Specifically, words like electron, fighting waitress, and stomp. The good stuff!

#46 - Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova - Savior of Song
I may have said at the beginning of this list that Full CGI only belongs at the bottom. I may have not been entirely honest back then.

This is another one of those series I don't remember much of. There were boats and girls. Boat girls. And they're not the popular boat girls. They are other ones. Other girls that are also boats. Makes sense.

But this opening theme! Damn! It slaps harder than spanking fetishists on a Friday night. nano will always have the curse of only making OP and ED themes for mediocre and bad anime, but that's alright. The bangers are still bangers.

#45 - Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - Vitalization
Ah, there it is. That was a looong gap between two Symphogear entries. All the way from #92, where I put season 4, AXZ. By no means is this the last one to appear here though, so stay tuned.

Now, this opening. I didn't actually like it a whole lot for a while, preferring pretty much every other Symphogear OP to this one. But what can I say, it's just grown on me a lot over the years. That and my investment in a more than decent bass speaker might have had an effect.
Visually, it's also decently pleasing. The middle bit is somewhat lacking in visual impact, but that's more than made up for with the starting bit and the climax when the chorus hits.

With nothing more to really add, here's a fun fact. I render the GIFs for the Symphogear entries on this list at 5 FPS above everything else to make it look better and more appealing.

Watch Symphogear.

#44 - Dr. Stone - Sangenshoku
Here's what might be the most recent entry in this ranking. I haven't actually checked if it is or not, but I'm just gonna go ahead and claim that. Makes  it more interesting, and gives me a hook to write about.

Thinking about it, this OP could conceivably be put even higher. This is also one that has grown on me, but it's done so after the ranking was finalized. The theme song has also entered my most heavy rotation on Spotify, and is sometimes even on repeat. It's that good.

#43 - Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo - Kuchizuke Diamond
Speaking of songs that are mainstays on my Spotify rotation, Kuchizuke Diamond by Weaver. However, this one has been in that seat of absolute bangers for far longer than the former entry. In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch for me to say this might be one of the AniSongs I've listened to the most out of almost any. It still being a joy to listen to whenever it comes on the shuffle must surely be an indication of its quality.

Let's not skip over the visuals. Because this OP carves out its own distinct look with this parchment-y slightly film grain-y style. There's undeniably more technical terms for those, but I don't know'em. It's distinct and recognizable, and looks really good as well.

#42 - Mob Psycho 100 II - 99.9
I know a few individuals are gonna be miffed with me putting this as low as 42nd.

I mean visually, it's pretty damn great. The first half is playful with the visuals, before the second half takes over as an absolute action spectacle that flows incredibly well. Along with the music, it's an overall incredible improvement over season 1's OP, which was also itself a great opening.

Really makes me hyped for what could be done for a third season of this show, which looks to be under production at this very moment if the internet is to be believed.

#41 - Shingeki no Kyojin - Jiyuu no Tsubasa
I had to squeeze in an Attack on Titan theme somewhere on here. And I just had to go with my personal feelings on this one.

It always felt like Jiyuu no Tsubasa was constantly overshadowed by its big brother Guren no Yumiya, the show's first OP. At the time when AoT first aired, the hype was all over it. And especially so on the incredibly meme-able OP1 that got all the spotlight.
But let's not kid ourselves here. The better theme is this one right here. Admittedly it has a lot more faux-German than its predecessor, which may be (is) a turn-off to some, but I swear, it could make a boulder shake with the pure hype it instills into the listeners.

Visually, there's so much stuff happening. You can probably watch it in its entirety several times and not catch everything due to the breakneck pace of the cuts and the action. And it's all so damn good-looking all throughout. Damn, what a good opening.


Aight, that should be it. Tag me somewhere if you wanna yell at me for having superior opinions.
Part 4 will come out sometime between tomorrow and New Year's Eve 2025. Look forward to it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My personal Top ONE HUNDRED (that's 100!) Anime Openings of all time (80-61)

If you have yet to see part one of this, go ahead and read it, simp.

Back at it again with more anime openings, am I? Sure am. Gonna poke away at twenty more anime openings to varying degrees of sobriety and detail.

This is the same list, so the same rules from last time still stands. Only shows I've seen, with an exception or two, makes it on here. My bias also remains intact. A proper analyst could probably flip this list on its head with proper deduction of discernible traits found within any given opening, but that's not me. Slap some cute girls on the screen along with tunes from an artist I like, and your opening rises up this list faster than a rocket ship on speed.

Speaking of cute girls and things rising...

#80 - Keijo!!!!!!!! - DREAMxSCRAMBLE!

The first rule of Keijo!!!!!!!! is that you always write it out correctly, with eight fantastic explanation marks, every single time.

Understood? Understood. Now, Keijo!!!!!!!! is anime in its final form. The premise of the show literally only sells to utter degenerates and creeps. But as any degenerate creep can tell you, it is absolutely worth its 12 episode runtime. The show takes its concept, dials it up to infinity and blasts it off into orbit. It's actually really good.

Oddly enough, there's not much fanservice here. That's of course disregarding the fact that the show's existence is more than fanservice enough.
But it is weird, isn't it? This show, out of all shows on the planet, focuses more on the actual sport than its other assets. And it's downright pretty to look at, too.

It's an enigma, but damn it's a good one. And the opening shows it every step of the way.

#79 - Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Rinbu Revolution

As of writing this, I have yet to finish watching Utena. In fact, I'm nowhere near halfway in the show. But for me, that was enough to appreciate how well done this is.

Okay, confession and partly hot take time. I'm a bit of a quality snob. Not to an extreme degree, of course, but it makes watching pre-2007-ish anime more difficult. Techniques used in animation and audio recording weren't as advanced as they are today, and it just plain bothers me as I watch. I really don't dislike them, but sitting down to watch the next episode of older anime is difficult when I could be watching something newer instead.

Now why did I bring that up? Because fuck me, a good OP does wonders just for getting that motivation to watch another episode. It's the same with really mediocre anime as well, and it shows how much a good OP can pull you in to the show and keep a leash on your attention. Even in this list, there's a good number of mediocre to downright bad series that just so happens to have good OP's. Look forward to it.

Okay, I went on for a bit there. In Utena's case, the show is by far good enough on its own to keep my attention, even without the banger OP. But I just felt like bringing this up now. You know, instead of writing about what I like about this OP at all or why I've ranked it here.

#78 - Madan no Ou to Vanadis - Ginsen no Kaze

Actually, speaking of mediocre to bad shows. Here's one.

Before I continue, listen to this OP. It's one hell of a hype song. And it gets you pumped to watch this low-fantasy medieval wartime drama that is sure to be full of intrigues and twists. But hey, what's all these scantily clad girls doing in he- oh no!

It's a bad harem anime!

Watching it hurts a bit. The opening is just so cool, but the show is just so mediocre...

*Sigh *... Next entry...

#77 - Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko - Ugoku, Ugoku

One of the many reasons I opted to use GIFs in this list.

Gotta have those girls dabbing in here, lest I bring shame upon all memekind.

#76 - Sora Yori mo Tooi Bashi - The Girls are Alright!

If you were ever curious as to whether or not the girls were alright. By the pope, is this the OP for you.

I love how the OP starts by showing us admittedly pretty, but utterly ordinary shots of typical streets and buildings, before you have the girls, our main characters (they're alright!), literally fly off as they have their cute Antarctic adventure in the second half.

The OP is joyful throughout, and has its focus on the journey from the start to its destination. Helps a lot that it's also pretty to look at. It really shows the viewer that Antarctica is pretty cool.


#75 - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Hoshi to Hana

It's no secret that I like Magical Girls. Among the genre, the Yuusha de Aru franchise is one of my absolute favorites. Few series balances the opposing themes of hope and despair as well as this one does.

But that's neither here nor there. This opening is really cool. The calmer first half is delightfully contrasted by the action-y second half, and the series art style has each and every color near popping out of the screen. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Music's also up to par, with Keiichi Okabe leaving his mark on the theme and the soundtrack as a whole. Thematically, everything here really fits together.
There's also the fact that the opening changes as the show progresses. Not in a complete makeover sense, but things gets added to reflect changes that happen in the story. It's all kino.

#74 - Soul Eater - Resonance

Bones, oh Bones. You beautiful bastards, Bones. From the GIF alone, you should be able to clearly see that this is some good krey. The wacky-yet-deathly-serious motif that defines the Soul Eater series is present here in full force, as the opening shows everything from deathmatches with frightening monsters, to a dinner party not going as planned courtesy of a certain naked cat-lady. The stuff we like to see.

You know, I bet that someone who hasn't even seen the show would still get a thorough impression about these characters' personalities just from watching their expressions and how they move in this OP. This praise goes towards the show itself as well, and just shows that the people over at Bones are amazing at what they do.

#73 - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic - V.I.P

Okay, who's down for a good old adventure? I am for sure. And after seeing this first opening of Magi, I swear you will too.

I touched a little on how Soul Eater's characters are easy to get to know just by watching them express themselves in the previous entry. Magi manages to do the same thing, even without the zealous cartoonyness (that's not a word, but I'm making it one) of the aforementioned's art style.

Now, I have put some effort into diversifying the list by trying to feature as many different shows as possible. In reality, I could have put every single Magi opening on here around this part of the list, but in the end I had to settle for one. And in this one's case, it was a matter of getting all the parts of an OP together nicely. I prefer the animation of the second opening, and the third opening's (season 2's first) music more than this one. But this one strikes a fine balance. Oh, and Morgiana feet.

Morgiana feet.

#72 - Yagate Kimi ni Naru - Kimi ni Furete
Here's a tonal shift for you. Among a sea of rather upbeat or "hype" openings, this one stands out a bit being pretty calm for a good bit of its runtime. Although the song picks up its pace towards the end, the animation goes the other direction. Lingering on shots meant to hide countless details about the characters in focus. Makes sense really, we all have sides we don't want to show to others at the drop of a hat.

Okay, say you were to rearrange the continents, and make them spell out the word "SUBTLE" in big, bold letters visible from space. That would be an apt description of this opening's use of flower language. I counted a whopping three shots that didn't include some sort of plantlife. And they were always a short close-up of either an object or a face. I wish I could tell you the meaning of every single flower shown, but it just so happens that I can't. Cause I don't know what they mean. And googling it would be a pain.

Still, fantastic OP.

#71 - Galilei Donna - Synchromanica
This is another of those OP's where I'm not entirely sure if I'm talking out of my nostalgia-blinded ass or not. This show was an okay watch, airing in 2013 - year of the snake as it were - that I had a good time with. Most of the show is now long forgotten, but I still enjoy this OP a lot.

I like how it's always pulling something new out for the viewer. In one second, there's close up of lips synching to the song, then that girl's smiling on top of a spinning globe, and woah suddenly scooter fun followed by the title coming in from space? Then there's holographic goldfish with machine gun?!


#70 - So Ra No Wo To - Hikari no Senritsu
There's two types of openings out there. There's the ones that serve to introduce the viewer to the show, get them to want the episode by giving them a peek at what they can expect from its story and characters.
Then there's the other kind. The one that feels oddly cryptic, and only really makes sense once the viewer has gotten far into, or maybe even completed, the show. So Ra No Wo To is entirely in the latter category.

Would you be able to judge that this is a Cute Girls Doing Cute Things show from this OP alone? I somehow doubt you could. Without prior knowledge of the anime, at least.

In the interest of not spoiling much, I'll leave it at the music and visuals being cool enough to get on here. In fact, the first episode doesn't use the same visuals seen here, instead putting the song to landscapes and the main character's journey to the town where the story takes place. Said opening scene with this music really helped set the tone for the show. Now go watch it, it's good.

#69 - Boku no hero Academia - Odd Future
Wanna hear one of the coolest drops in anime OP history? Click the link above and wait for 74 seconds.
Done? Good.

UVERworld gets it right a lot of the time, but they got it double right this time. What a banger this song is, dear fuck. It builds and builds until it reaches that delightful climax. All Might's expression in that shot being one of the purest rendition of clean rage I've seen visually represented, like ever.
While this show comes in many flavors, shifting between light-hearted and deadly serious tones seemingly every arc, it sure does it all with impeccable skill and fantastic direction. This opening coming from one of the more dire arcs of the show is clear. And it's masterfully done.

Actually, when picking out a hundred OPs for this list, I ended up with 115. That means fifteen of them ended up shafted. Two of those were actually other HeroAca openings. And several more were in the running as well. This show just has a lot of good openings. Period.

Also, nice.

#68 - Mekakucity Actors - daze
A good opening fuses its music and visuals into a whole greater than its parts. That's usually how it goes. And hey, maybe this one does too? I'm sure the visuals here speak clearer to someone who finished the show, or is a fan of the Kagerou Project thingamajig. I'm neither of those. Just picked it up on a whim because the girls were cute, and then subsequently dropped it two episodes in or something.

So why rank it? If I really have no attachement here, what's the point?

The point, is the jam. The big old banger of a song playing here is fucking cool as shit. And sometimes, that's enough. Enough for me at least. Enjoy, damn it.

#67 - Amagi Brilliant Park - Extra Magic Hour
Openings with clapping really does it for me, huh.

If you've seen this anime, you know it's mostly pretty whack. But that's what amusement parks really is, honestly. They're supposed to be pretty whack. Like a fun kind of whack. And this OP really makes me want to go there and do everything from the roller coasters, to getting selfies with the mascots.

Actually, it's sort of like an ad for the park, isn't it? The parts where you see the inhabitants slacking off notwithstanding, it really sells the ideal experience to the viewer. One of its many strengths as an opening, I reckon.

#66 - No Game No Life - This game
Wanna hear my favorite imaginary fairytale creature that doesn't exist and never will?

No Game No Life season 2.

#65 - Sankarea - Esoragoto
I knew I liked this opening, but listening to it for this made me realize that I really like it.

Perhaps one of the best opening themes nano.RIPE has done, it matches the visuals perfectly. With the tempo of the song almost symmetrically going along with the amount of movement on screen.

Stylistically, it also scores well. The pure white background present throughout drawing focus to its characters, and making the subtlety of their expressions all the clearer. Fantastic composition.

#64 - Kyousougiga - Koko
It honestly pains me a little bit, ranking Kyousougiga so low on this list. But looking at the list ahead, I'd be hard pressed to put it higher. Around #70 or so, we really moved from great to fantastic openings, and that hasn't been clearer than with this one.

It's an absolute party of colors and shapes, much like the show itself, while hinting at the depper story that lies underneath.
Introducing the characters in this cube-shaped studio at the start is a great way to get a feel for each of them before we burst out into the meat of the opening. There's a lot to unpack here that I'm not going to. Go watch the show instead, it's fantastic!

#63 - Boogiepop wa Warawanai - shadowgraph
This one is actually the last dropped show that will appear on this list. As for why I dropped it, I guess I just wasn't in the mood for it when it aired.

The opening, though. Man, is it cool! One of MYTH & ROID's best songs, paired with intriguing visuals that probably makes more sense to someone who actually watched the show, makes for an admittedly superb opening movie. It's got this very uncanny flow to it that keeps your eyes on it, if that makes any sense at all.

#62  - ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka - Shadow and Truth
I shouldn't have to write out why this OP is amazing. the first 30 seconds have trumpets, saxophone, rap, cakes, a fucking goat bleat. The review writes itself and gives its own 5 out of 5 star rating.

What's more, there's a lot of clues to the series' overarching mystery hidden in here, but you'l be too distracted by the stylish visuals and slick tunes to even notice them. Fucking great.

Yes, I had to google "goat sound". Sue me.

#61 - Yuru Camp△ - SHINY DAYS
Alright, let's face it. Camping... kinda sucks. Voluntarily going outside just to be less comfortable in somewhere that's far less practical than wherever you are normally? Sign me out.

But then there's just that little voice in the back of the mind that knows. It knows that food tastes better outside. It knows that snuggling up with a hot cup of cocoa surrounded by nature on all sides, free of worry and stress, is utter bliss. That's what Yuru Campcapitalizes on. Just watching the opening again makes me wanna take a tent out to bumfuck nowhere and just...exist for a while. It makes these girls happy as shit, so it probably works for me, too.
Of course, I can't afford expensive camping equipment, so just watching Yuru Camp△ will have to suffice for now.

Also, I really want to try rum and cocoa now.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

My personal Top ONE HUNDRED (that's 100!) Anime Openings of all time (100-81)

So. What's up?

Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a number of different posts and articles, none of which are as of now published. Why is this? Well, most of them discuss current-season content. As such. my snail pace at both writing meaningful content and watching airing shows made for blogposts that would straight up be outdated long before I could even hit publish. And as such, they are all as scrapped as me after yet another unsuccesful night out on town.

How to deal with this? I asked myself one day, while doing literally nothing but existing. And just then, I found it. This idea just came to me when I saw some madman in my YT recommendations had pulled together an ungodly ranking of several hundred OPs in video format. At which point, I thought

"Hey, that's easy! I can do that!"

It wasn't easy...

So, how is this gonna work. Well, there are some formatting tidbits:
  • The list will be split into five parts, 20 entries each. These things take hella time y'know.
  • I'll put a GIF and a link to a .webm for each entry. For your viewing pleasure.
  • And I'll jot down a paragraph of why I like said opening sequence.

In addition, there's a few guidelines I used while sorting out this behemoth:
  • I have to have seen, currently watch, or dropped the show. (There are 3 or 4 exeptions to this in the list.)
    • This basically invalidates every big name shounen anime from appearing on this list, with maybe an exeption or two.
  • While I've been as accurate as I can, I haven't spent time nitpicking placements. If something seems odd, I likely just didn't give it a second thought.
  • I judged based on music, animation, and how well the sequence fits the show itself.
  • At the end of it all, I'm a biased, motherfucker who eats glue for breakfast. Shows I like have been favored somewhat, and I won't deny it.

Alright? We good?
Then let's ikimasho, my fellow nihonsuki shitstains!

#100 - BanG Dream! Season 2 - Kizuna Music

Ah! Full CGI! Right where it belongs at the bottom of any list. 

Jokes aside, Kizuna Music♪ is all good fun. The paper cut out style used in the first bit of the opening introducing all the characters is mad cute, the CG is quite alright, and the music fits the bill.
It's good, but not extraordinary. I just happen to be a Bandori fanboi, and PoPiPa deserves some love. Please listen to the girls sing a song. It's wholesome. It's cute. They're cute. I want to smell Rimi's armpi-

#99 - Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi - Birth

This show is an enigma. I know I watched it. I know I somewhat enjoyed it. Yet, here I am, in the year 2020, year of the rat, and I can't remember any of these characters except for shovel-loli. And even then, her name escapes me.
I don't even remember what it was about. There was death, I think.
At least there's hippie van.

Anyway, opening slaps a bit, so here it is.

#98 - Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai - Cobalt World

HAH! Stupid animator at Shaft! You forgot to turn on the goddamn V-Sync! 

I'll be here all week.

#97 - Granbelm - Tsuki wo Ou Mayonaka

Granbelm's opening is, uh, remarkable! There's the bit at the start where they look through the stone... thingies and they have different expressions and stuff!

Okay, I admit it. I basically put Granbelm here because I want more people to watch Granbelm.

Please watch Granbelm.

#96 - Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - Aozora no Rhapsody

Now this is quality! We've got Fhána singing a cute song, while the animation staff at Kyoto Animation flex with short, creative cuts and scenes. I've honestly got no real complaints about this one, it's just pretty good overall.

Could probably have placed this and the next entry higher, but what's done is done.

#95 - D-Frag! - Stalemate!

I had a long and hard 17-second think about whether to rank this or Kobayashi above the other. The answer I came up with was the following:

Hot damn, this OP is a mess, but hotter damn it is a beautiful one! Out of openings that try to capture the base feel of the show it represents, few can match Stalemate! and its bat-shit insane pace. 

#94 - Kamisama Dolls - Fukanzen Nenshou

Not the most exciting OP visually, but the song is pretty sick so I decided to slap it on here. If I were to give compliments where compliments are due, I guess the style choice where they show two scenes simultaneously with only one being in full detail at a time is pretty neat. Makes for some cool transitions and shots.

I just wanted to put this here, really. It's a nostalgia thing.

#93 - Occultic;Nine - Senshuu 3 no Nijou

Two things stand out about this opening. No, I'm not talking about the gravity-defying bodily features belonging to one of the characters. I'm talking about the music and attention to detail.
Firstly, this anime's title includes a semicolon (;), and therefore Kanako Itō sings the theme. This is just one of the unviolable facts of the universe. It's well done and certainly among her better tracks.
Secondly, this sequence packs so many little clues and hints among its rapid cuts and backround work, it could make any brain implode on itself. Even more interesting is that not nearly every single thing has anything to do with the plot itself, meaning the actual clues lies hidden in a sea of red herrings.

Even watching it again for this review, I was surprised to see things I never noticed before. Guddo jobbu!

#92 - Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - TESTAMENT

You're probably staring at the screen in shock. Seeing me put Symphogear anywhere near the bottom half of the list, much less in the bottom 10, was probably thought to be impossible! But here it is! Contradicting the very laws of creation.

Maybe I just don't like Nana Mizuki and the sight of Maria Cadenzavna Eve's delicious pectorals that much, or maybe I just wanted to space out the Symphogear entries on this list for novelty's sake.
Whichever sounds more plausible to you.

#91 - ZOMBIE LAND SAGA - Adabana Necromancy
Now this! This slaps so goddamn hard. And not only that, theres sound effects, too!

You can't deny it. This OP practically oozes style in pretty much every conceivable way, from the horror elements the series parodies, to the manager cutting in to steal the show every few seconds. It honestly fits incredibly well, with the series being one of the most unique takes on the idol genre to come out in recent memory.

Five stars and a chicken nugget from me!

#90 - Flying Witch - Sharanran

Hey, you! Yes, you. 

You sad?

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap-clap-clap clap clap-clap-clap 

Now you're not.

#89 - Ao Haru Ride - Sekai wa Koi ni Ochiteiru
Another great example of an opening that more or less gets everything right. The watercolor theme present throughout the opening is pleasant to the eye, and the song is a bug that stays on your mind a long time after it's done.

Don't know what else to say. I've got no jokes or anything. It's just good.

#88 - Pani Poni Dash! - Shoujo Q
Girls always hide their true faces. They always wear persona. Happiness and unhappiness exist as one within the flip and flop side of the truth. I never had any friends leter on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Her dog loves butter.
"Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ever, cut a deal with a DRAGON."
There is a secret about these eyeglasses. Once again, there is a secret about these eyeglasses.

May the force be with you.

She is the most cheerful person in the school, but she is hiding a darkness inside her heart.
"God's in his heaven, all's right with the world"
Here's looking at you, Kid.

Pani Poni Dash ! OP3

#87 - Kanata no Astra - star*frost
Despite not even playing for half the episodes of the show, star*frost does enough to make it onto my list. It's admittedly very simple, shots are mostly either lifted from the anime or still pictures. Truly, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts in this one.

Or maybe I just have a thing for openings that use shapes and colors the way this one does. Who knows.

#86 - New Game!! - STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑
Cute. Girls. Doing. Cute. Things.

Literally can't go wrong with that. And New Game!! knows it. You have cute girls doing their cute things as usual, but what puts this one up a notch is that they show the girls actually doing what they're supposed to do. After all the shenanigans early in the OP is over with, we see the girls hard at work doing, y'know, work. As they should.

#85 - Nisekoi - CLICK
Was gonna put season 2's OP here, but that one revolves around worst girl, and it left a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

You can have OP1 instead. It's got every girl in (almost) equal measure, and is not bad at all either. In fact, this has got more nostalgia value for me personally. That's how I'm gonna justify this one.

#84 - Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku - Sakebe
Another mostly personal pick, and I can't really explain why. But man, the chills I get when the song kicks in with


Sure, it's mostly an effect of my personal attachement to the series, but I do what I want damnit!

#83 - Shokugeki no Soma: Ni no Sara - ROUGH DIAMONDS
We arrive at one of the few "traditionally shounen" openings on this list. It's all about that hot-blooded firey action, babey!

Too bad it's about food and tiddies, and not punchy-fisty action.

Jokes aside, ROUGH DIAMONDS is inarguably the series' best OP, mostly carried by the absolute banger delivered straight to your eardrums by the group SCREEN mode.
What can I say? It gets you pumped for an episode of food porn worthy of putting any Instagram chef to shame.

#82 - Hanebado! - Futari no Hane
I could gush about this damn video for ages. Like, screw the show itself, this opening is more than enough eye candy.

Now, if you didn't see the .gif above for some reason, allow me to iterate exactly why this is so fucking good.

Holy guacamole, the motherfucking sakuga.

But, hey. If it's so good, why only number 82? Surely, this OP is better than whatever trash I've decided to fill this up with? Elementary, my dear Watson. The show it's attached to is garbage. Okay, I might be overreaching, but I certainly didn't enjoy it. And that, in my eyes, degrades this one by association. I wanted badminton and sweaty girls, and it only barely delivered.

#81 - Noragami - Goya no Machiawase
I touched on style earlier, and how it makes an OP go from good to fantastic. This one follows that rule to a T. And it does it in a really simple way, using very few highlighted colors on top of an otherwise monochrome pallette.

The song slapping mega hard also helps a lot, although I prefer the sequel a lot more.

Oh wait, that's a spoiler for later... Oopsie!